SHPE Banner

About Our Chapter

GT SHPE is proud to be one of the largest organizations on campus, and we are constantly trying to expand our reach on campus. Here are some of the ways we make our mark on our members and our community

  • Professional Events We host weekly meetings with various companies along with countless afternoon workshops to give our members the opportunity to build their network and improve their professional skills
  • Social Events We host many bonding events throughout the school year to help build friendships within our chapter and relieve school stress
  • Mentorship We host a program called PEP that connects newer students with a mentor within their major that can help guide them through the ins and outs of Georgia Tech
  • Community Outreach Our SHPE Jr. team is responsible for planning various events with high schools that have a high number of Latino students to get them excited about higher education and possibly guide them into a career in STEM

If you are interested in hearing more about all the amazing programs fostered by our chapter, click the link below!

How to Join

Georgia Tech Society of Professional Engineers is open to everyone, regardless of major or ethnic background. From social events to professional development, our goal is to create an inclusive atmosphere for our members to grow. If you are interested in joining, follow the steps below to become an official member!

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    Fill out the registration form. This form will help us keep track of our members and will also add you to the GT-SHPE Whatsapp groupchat which is where we make club-wide announcements.
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    Submit Your Membership Payment. We ask all members to contribute a $15 fee to help fund our amazing weekly events. You can easily send your payment to our treasurer via Venmo by clicking here.
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    Become a member in Engage. This will register you as a member in the Georgia Tech database. Join on Engage here
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    Register for Event Check-ins. If you’re new to GT-SHPE or haven’t created an account before, please make sure to register for event check-ins. Register your account here.
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    Become a SHPE National Member. This will add your name to the national SHPE database, which many companies use as a recruiting tool. Register as a National Member here

Once you complete these steps you are officially a GT-SHPE member, welcome!

Pure Energy

Within SHPE we refer to ourselves as a 'familia' or a family of people from all around the world who come together to celebrate Hispanic culture. Take a look at some of our highlights!