About SHPE

Chapter Members
Largest Chapter in the Nation
Countries Represented

Professional Development

At GT-SHPE, our primary goal is to help our members expand their network and connect with titans in their industry that can help them reach their career goals. Here are a few ways we do this

  • Weekly Company Meetings Every Thursday we have a different company speak at our general body meetings. These companies come because they know the talent our organization supports, and they want to connect with our members. They give a presentation and answer questions to explain why the company may be a good fit for our members.
  • SHPE National Convention Every year, our chapter attends the SHPE National Convention where recruiters from top companies around the world come to network with us. We provide reimbursement opportunities and scholarships to make sure all our members have the opportunity to go to this event, and many of our members have received internships and full-time offers at this convention.
  • Workshops Aside from our weekly general body meetings, we also hold workshops both with company partners and independently on topics such as resume writing and interview preparation to make sure our members are ready to network with the biggest names in their industry.

Our board spends countless hours planning these events because we have seen amazing results from the resources we provide our members, and are incredibly grateful to all our sponsors that help make these events possible!

Professional Development

Social Events

GT-SHPE has built a reputation on Georgia Tech's campus as one of the largest social clubs on campus because we are constantly hosting events to help our members meet other Hispanic students in STEM and celebrate Hispanic heritage!

SHPE Presentation
  • Taste of Latin America TLA is a festival hosted by GT-SHPE and other Latino organizations on campus to celebrate Hispanic culture. The event includes food from various Hispanic regions, stunning music and dance performances, and fun games! As our biggest event of the year, we spend a lot of time making sure this event truly shows how important the celebration of Hispanic heritage is to us.
  • Bonding Events While learning to develop professional skills is very important to us, it is equally as important that our members get to know each other so that they know they can rely on one another to make their career journey easier. This is why we host many bonding events throughout the year and encourage our members to make new friendships within SHPE. We also host bonding events specifically for freshmen because we understand how difficult it can be to start at a new school and not know many people, so we want to make sure our new members have some friendly faces on campus.

Social events are an important part of our organization's culture, and are part of the reason we love to call ourselves one big 'familia'!

Community Outreach

Hispanics are one of the most underrepresented groups within STEM fields, so GT-SHPE makes it a priority to connect with young Hispanic students in our community and get them excited about a career in STEM.

  • Noche de Ciencias This is an event pioneered by SHPE where we invite young students in our community to Georgia Tech's campus where they spend the day participating in various engineering challenges and listening to panels led by SHPE members pursuing STEM careers. The challenges can include anything from designing cool structures to building model rockets, and the students always leave with a newfound appreciation for engineering.
  • High School Partnerships Our organization has also partnered with various high schools in the Atlanta area with high populations of Latino students in order to provide workshops at these schools to answer questions about careers in STEM. A lot of these students come from immigrant families and may not know much about the college application process or what a career in STEM can look like, so we host these workshops to answer any questions they may have and to make sure they know that a career in STEM is possible for them, regardless of their background.

Our members are always aware of the incredible opportunities that we have been awarded through SHPE programs, and are eager to give back to our community and make sure future generations of Hispanic students know that anything is possible for them!

Community Outreach

Let's Hear What Our Members Have to Say!

Eliezer Zavala González

At GT SHPE, you have the freedom to connect with, learn from, and grow along the brightest minds. With the organization's vast resources and ample opportunities, members can thrive in all academic and professional environments, such as our Professional Experience Program (PEP), Career Fairs, and National Conventions.

Eliezer Zavala González
Aerospace Engineering Masters Student
Sabrina Prado

SHPE's cultural events have allowed me to not only share my heritage with my GT peers, but also made me feel connected with my roots despite being far from my country. Participating in SHPE's social activities has helped me connect with other Hispanic students and find a home away from home.

Sabrina Prado
International Affairs and Modern Languages BS Student
Diego Espinosa

Being part of SHPE has given me the opportunity to give back to the community in meaningful ways. One of the highlights has been visiting local schools to present about the college experience and offer advice to students. It's incredibly rewarding to inspire the next generation and help them see the possibilities that lie ahead.

Diego Espinosa
2nd year Industrial Engineering BS Student
Laura Castaño

Being the Corporate Relations Chair for SHPE was an enriching experience that equipped me with essential skills and insights. The chapter’s dedication to connecting with industry leaders and offering valuable networking opportunities is incredibly impactful. The support and resources offered help members navigate their careers with greater confidence and success.

Laura Castaño
4th year Industrial Engineering BS Student