Meet Our Team

At SHPE, we value every member as vital for our community. Our Executive Board is committed to being accessible and transparent, ensuring everyone is aligned with our goals. We're confident that with determination and effort, this year is going to be one of exceptional progress, professional and academic success, and also plenty of fun. Bienvenidos!

Paloma Santiago

Hola todos, my name is Paloma Santiago Walker! I am a fifth year majoring in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Design from Gurabo, Puerto Rico.

Georgia Tech has been a great catalyst for personal and professional development with GT-SHPE being a great part of that impact. I’m very excited to serve as this year’s GT-SHPE President. I’ve been a part of SHPE since my sophomore year and have been a part of the BOD as SHPE JR Secretary, and the Executive Board as SHPE JR Coordinator. I am beyond grateful to the support and opportunities it has given me over the years. The impact and outreach of this organization is vast within the Georgia Tech and Atlanta communities and can’t wait to meet you and collaborate to continue giving back and fostering Latino professionals. Please reach out to me if you have any questions, or have ideas for initiatives. I’m looking forward to helping and supporting.

Paloma Santiago


Ana Cecilia Valdes

Hi! My name is Ana Cecilia Valdes, I am from Torreón, Mexico, and I am a rising senior in the Civil Engineering Major.

My favorite SHPE experience has been connecting with such talented and quality individuals. I am extremely excited for all of the professional events and preparing everyone for national convention!

Ana Cecilia Valdes

External Vice President

Juan Martin Morales Condit

Hello everyone! My name is Juan Martin Morales Condit, and I am a rising senior from Guayaquil, Ecuador, majoring in Industrial & Systems Engineering with a concentration in Economic & Financial Systems.

As part of the BOD, I have served as the Social Chair and Recruitment & Retention Chair for the past two years. In these roles, I have organized various events, from recruiting incoming freshmen and transfer students to hosting social events throughout the year. Through this experience, I am very excited to be your new Internal Vice-President and to organize new activities for the upcoming year.

Juan Martin Morales Condit

Internal Vice President

Valentina Celis

Hola todos! My name is Valentina Celis and I’m a fourth year student studying Civil Engineering. I’m originally from South Florida with Colombian heritage.

I joined GT-SHPE my first year and have been involved since then. I’ve served on the Board Of Directors all three years and for my fourth year will be serving on the Executive Board as Public Relations Officer. Through SHPE, I found lifelong friends, mentorship and guidance, and professional development opportunities that have allowed me to excel in my career goals and enhance my college experience while sharing my culture. I want to continue giving back by sharing every social, academic, and professional opportunity SHPE has to offer with the Georgia Tech community. I’m beyond excited for everything the Public Relations team has planned for this year and I’m especially grateful for this opportunity!

Valentina Celis

Public Relations Officer

Natalia Weber

Hola! My name is Natalia Weber, I am a senior majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from San José, Costa Rica.

I have been involved with SHPE since my first year of college. It has been an amazing resource for both my professional and personal development throughout school. I am currently the Secretary for the organization, where I will be organizing along with my team, many cultural, academic and philanthropic events for our members. I am excited for the Taste of Latin America (TLA), one of our biggest events celebrating the Hispanic culture, as well as our new SHPEtinas group which empowers and supports our female engineers.

Natalia Weber


Augusto Chang

Hello everyone! My name is Augusto Chang, and I’m a senior from Lima, Peru, studying Industrial and Systems Engineering and Computer Science.

As a transfer student, I've always had a deep appreciation for SHPE. It has been a fantastic place to meet new people and create great experiences. Since joining, I've had the privilege of serving as both the Academic & Professional Development Chair and the Accounting Chair. This year, I am thrilled to be your Treasurer. I am dedicated to making SHPE an even better organization and ensuring we all make the most out of this year!

Augusto Chang


Paola Colón

Hi! My name is Paola Colón and I’m a second year neuroscience major on the pre-med track from Dorado, Puerto Rico.

I joined SHPE and the BOD during my freshman year as SHPE Jr. Secretary. The people I’ve met in SHPE have become my family and the organization has given me opportunities and experiences I’ll cherish forever. I especially enjoyed the workshops and mini experiments we got to do with middle and high school students interested in going into STEM. Through my role as SHPE Jr. Coordinator, I’m excited to continue to help secondary students and incoming freshmen succeed in their STEM careers and give them the support they deserve during this process.

Paola Colón

SHPE Jr Coordinator